21 Mar 2016

Day 3: Ramallah - But A Whimper

This album isn't entirely new to me, but when I first became aware of it I only managed to find and listen to a few select racks off of it.  Today was my first full playthrough of this album, and it immediately brought back good memories of the white trash hardcore band Blood For Blood.  Take the rock & roll edge out of Blood For Blood and add a metal twist and you've got Ramallah.  The two bands share many members, most importantly vocalist Rob Lind, still just as angry and pissed off at society and the world, but this time taking an empathetic view of other people's struggles.  They take their name from the city of Ramallah in Palestine, but that doesn't make them strictly a political band.  The version of the record I listened to was the 2004 re-release which features 2 bonus tracks, bizarrely one of which is "What Difference Does It Make?" by The Smiths.  After doing some reading around the project I also discovered that Jacob Bannon of Converge did some guest vocals on a few tracks, which upon re-listening to the record are hard to miss.  I don't think the band have as much staying power with me as Blood For Blood do on my playlist, but they piqued my interest enough to warrant giving the follow up record Kill a Celebrity a listen in the future.

(Bridge Nine Records, 2002)

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